A big part of this is that the Leftist priesthood doesn't care about creating ART.

Narratives are intended to educate, inspire, encourage, and Empower the audience. To teach young boys to be heroes, and warriors, and innovators, and champions.

But Leftists intensely despise the audience.

Leftists want to hurt, and humiliate their customers — partially as a humiliation ritual, partially to feel powerful by inflicting psychological demoralization, and partially because they are projecting their dysfunctional pathologies onto broader culture because they cannot bear honest self-examination.

So, modern Leftist art is designed to demoralize and psychologically break the audience.

It would be possible to create an epic Chinese, African, Persian, Hindu, Aztec, or Norse mythos... either something original, a modernization of regional fables, an adaptation of ancient stories, or some novel hybrid of these techniques.

But, creating a successful African mythical blockbuster trilogy would be a disappointment to these sexual deviants and oversocialized misfits — they want to break white Christians, and to destroy the audience.

So, what they have found is to take popular, existing franchises and then pervert, desecrate, corrupt these narratives.

The business interests financing these movies are generally unaware, or willing to ignore the underlying dynamics of resentment and malicious neglect. Big studios are effectively paying an ideological mafia protection money, as Catholic aristocrats once paid indulgences to the Pope.

FrogTwitter offers us a chance to build an alternative, superior art scene.

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Please return to twatter!

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Lmao, I will at some point. Still been reading you, much love.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Autistocrates

Interesting article.

But WHY would Amazon want to make everything about BGWC and nothing else? Is this just a consequence of corporate wokeism and not its intent?

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Apologies for the late answer, but my guess is that it is probably a combination of things. On the one hand, all cultural institutions are infiltrated by resentful activists (who are in turn created at the universities), meaning that they exert a pressure on all cultural production to conform to their worldview. The motivations of such people have been discussed in depth in my other essays. There is also a corporate side to this - they may either be cynically doing this to earn money, or they are part of the same class of people as previously mentioned and do it for ideological reasons. So it's a combination of psychology, filters, deliberate action and incentive structures.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Autistocrates

No need to apologize. Thank you for your response.

What then can one do - or what needs to be done - in order to counteract this phenomena?

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That's a tough question, and I don't presume to have all the answers. But a few obvious ones is to not give these people deference as visionaries, artists or intellectuals; don't finance their crap; support dissident artists and intellectuals; form your own institutions for cultural production; infiltrate academia.

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The answer is simple, but very discouraging and frustrating.

We Frogs should play to our strengths, and BUILD the replacement culture.

Infiltrating Leftism will fail; academia is designed to prevent us from mimicking their original tactics of a Bolshevik Long March thru the institutions.

Leftists specialize in subverting, corrupting traditional institutions — they are dishonest by nature, Leftism is a group manifestation of female weakness collaborating to sabotage the strong.

We Frogs can create and dream and build.

There are a number of problems:

1.) Money/financial resources

2.) Distribution (We need economies of scale, and global distribution)

3.) Minor leagues — in order to succeed, we need to create Network effects, and assemble a brotherhood of friendly competition where rival artists are inspiring, teaching, and pushing each other to new heights.

Essentially, FrogTwitter offers us the ability to collaborate, mentor, critique, and compete with each other as friends and sympathetic visionaries.

This scene is starting to gain traction, but we need to hit critical mass and start to REGULARLY produce transcendent, superior narratives to anything else in the world.

This challenge is quite daunting.

But the traditional cinema, comics, literary publishing industry seem determined to cripple themselves with Woke garbage, which is dramatically lowering our barriers to entry. Studios and publishers are racing to destroy their own credibility, and growing ever more hysterical. Everything they create is terrible quality, which provides us with an opening.

Like sharks, we can smell blood.

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You're a cowardly snitch running to Elon. Go fuck yourself with your stupid musings.

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How am I wrong? He did run to Elon. The second statement is my entire correct wish for him.

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Pearls before swine. Sadly, you lack reading comprehension.

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Every genius is despised by lesser men. And your role, Eugene, is to be the resentful loser envious of a superior intellect like Autistocrates.

But this is merely confirmation that Autistocrates is brilliant, and provocative. If he was dumb and predictable, you would sincerely and passionately love him for reinforcing your mediocrity.

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I see him like I see gay porn - trashy and disgusting and very unappealing. It's not even the good kind of gay porn where the cum shoots far and with vigor, but a boring kind. It's just sad.

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You're watching gay porn? I agree that's sad, but perhaps for different reasons.

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